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Organismal and Environmental Biology at CNU


List of publications authored by lab members, by year. Graduate co-authors are marked with an asterisk(*), undergraduates with two asterisks (**).


**Taylor JN, *Ternes WM, Lattanzio MS. (2018) Natural selection favors local specialization in a widespread habitat generalist. Evolution (published online in Early View).

Jaworski KE, Lattanzio MS, Hickerson C-AM, Anthony C. (2018) Male mate preference as an agent of fecundity selection in a polymorphic salamander. Ecology and Evolution 2018:1-11.

**Brown DM, Lattanzio MS. (2018) Resource variability and the collapse of a dominance hierarchy in a colour polymorphic species. Behaviour 155:443-463.

**Krohmaly KI, *Martin ZM, Lattanzio MS. (in press). Male mate preference and the potential for complex mating dynamics in the tree lizard (Urosaurus ornatus). Ethology.

Jaworski KE, Lattanzio MS. (2017) Physiological consequences of food limitation for a color polymorphic lizard: Are coping responses morph-specific? Copeia 105:691-697.

*Taylor JN, Lattanzio MS. (2016) Boldness, dominance, and territoriality in the color polymorphic tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus. Ethology 122:892-901.

Gilbert AL, Lattanzio MS. (2016) Ontogenetic variation in the thermal biology of Yarrow's Spiny Lizard, Sceloporus jarrovii. PLoS One 11:1-14.

Lattanzio, MS, Miles, DB. 2016. Trophic niche divergence among colour morphs that exhibit alternative mating tactics. Royal Society open science 2016, 150531.

Lattanzio, MS, Miles, DB. 2016. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope discrimination and turnover in a small-bodied insectivorous lizard. Isotopes in environmental and health studies 2016, 1-9.

Gilbert, AL, Lattanzio, MS. 2016. Ontogenetic Variation in the Thermal Biology of Yarrow's Spiny Lizard, Sceloporus jarrovii. PloS one, 11(2), e0146904.

Gilbert, AL, Lattanzio, MS. 2015. Sceloporus undulatus (eastern fence lizard) novel ventral ornamentation. Herpetological Review, 46(2):262-263.

*Beal, MS, Lattanzio, MS, Miles, DB. 2014. Differences in the thermal physiology of adult Yarrow’s spiny lizards (Sceloporus jarrovii) in relation to sex and body size. Ecology and Evolution, 4(20):4220-4229.

Lattanzio, MS, Miles, DB. 2014. Ecological divergence among colour morphs mediated by changes in spatial network structure associated with disturbance. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80:1490-1500.

Lattanzio, MS. 2014. Temporal and ontogenetic variation in the escape response of Ameiva festiva (Squamata: Teiidae). Phyllomedusa 13(1):17-27.

Lattanzio, MS, *Metro, KM, Miles, DB. 2014. Preference for Male Traits Differ in Two Female Morphs of the Tree Lizard, Urosaurus ornatus. PLoS one 9.7 (2014): e101515.

Lattanzio, MS, LaDuke, TC. 2012. Habitat Use and Activity Budgets of Emerald Basilisks (Basiliscus plumifrons) in Northeast Costa Rica. Copeia 2012(3):465-471.

Lattanzio, MS. 2009. Escape tactic plasticity of two sympatric Norops (Beta Anolis) species in northeast Costa Rica. Amphibia-Reptilia 30(1):1-6.